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Delve into uncharted realms within your mind to uncover solutions for daily challenges, enhance well-being, shape a positive future, and address various other concerns in life.

The Silva Method

Your Key to Mind Mastery and Life Excellence

The Silva Method introduces a series of lectures and mind-training exercises that seamlessly integrate potent concepts with the latest scientifically proven techniques in personal and spiritual development. This method acknowledges our ritualistic, physical, and spiritual nature.

By refining the ability to detect information accessed through our subjective senses, spanning from the microcosm to the macrocosm, we gain the capacity to solve a spectrum of problems, be they rooted in the past, existing in the present, or potentially arising in the future.

The overall objective of the Silva Method is to guide individuals in utilizing more of their brains and activating untapped areas of the mind. Simultaneously, it teaches how to cultivate thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that attract desired experiences in one’s life.

Through the Silva Method, over a million of individuals have unlocked the incredible potential of the mind. Now, it’s your turn to make a positive impact on your life and the lives of those around you!

A Program Backed By Science & Research

Silva Team spent nearly 50 years researching, experimenting & collaborating with leading scientists, researchers and personal growth leaders.

For almost half a century, the Silva Team dedicated extensive efforts to research, experimentation, and collaboration with prominent scientists, researchers, and leaders in personal growth.

Dr. J. Wilfrid Hahn of the Mind Science Foundation in California was the initial scientist to explore The Silva Method’s research, subsequently endorsing the efforts of the Silva Team. Since then, multiple research institutions, universities, and scientists have examined and validated Silva’s research.

The Silva Method: Transforming Lives

Our Mission

At the Silva Method, we unlock untapped potential by providing unique techniques and resources for personal growth. Our mission is to transform minds through a comprehensive membership plan, offering various courses, live sessions, and interactions with certified instructors. Together, we aspire to create a world where minds are transformed, perceptions are changed, and dreams become reality.

Our Vision

We believe in the inherent ability of every individual to transform their lives positively. Inspired by Jose Silva’s visionary mind and dedication to sharing his breakthroughs, we are committed to empowering individuals to unlock their hidden potential. Guided by his vision, we strive for constant innovation and teamwork to inspire others on their transformative journey.

Silva Method Bangladesh

Solely authorized to conduct Silva courses in Bangladesh by the Headquarters.
Trade License Number : TRAD/DNCC/049323/2022

Silva Bangladesh, also known as Silva Method BD, stands as the exclusive advocate of the Silva Method in the country. Mahee Quazi, a pioneer in Mind Science in Bangladesh, introduced the Silva Method and founded ISOMETRIC to promote it. After Mahee Quazi’s departure, Mrs. Mahee Quazi took charge of ISOMETRIC, later passing it to Mr. Sayeed-Ur-Rahman in 2008. Despite efforts to revive ISOMETRIC, it had to postpone activities due to various circumstances.

To sustain the Silva Method in Bangladesh, “SILVA Bangladesh” emerged under Mrs. Mahee Quazi’s supervision. Authorized by the Silva Method Headquarters in Laredo, Texas, USA, “SILVA Bangladesh” is now the sole organization promoting the Silva Method in the country. Mrs. Mahee Quazi entrusted the leadership to Dr. Abul Kalam.

Reflecting Guru Mahee Quazi’s mainstream approach, “SILVA Bangladesh” offers a range of Silva Method services to graduates and the broader population of Bangladesh. It is the go-to organization for anyone seeking Silva Method guidance in the country.

José Silva

The Founder of the Silva Method

José Silva is the founder of The Silva Method and a pioneer in mind empowerment research. Silva dedicated his life to awakening the human mind’s hidden potential. After 24 years of research, he released his findings in 1966 and spent the rest of his life perfecting and teaching The Silva Method.

José Silva was an electrical repairman who developed a great interest in religion, psychology, and parapsychology. He spent much time learning about hypnosis, attempting to increase his children’s IQ. After experimenting and being convinced of his daughter’s sudden clairvoyance, Jose decided to learn more about the development of psychic abilities.

In 1944, José began developing his method, formerly Silva Mind Control, using it on his family members and friends, before launching it commercially in 1966.

José Silva was born in 1914 in Laredo, Texas, USA. José Silva began at age six to support his family. Although he couldn’t receive a formal education, he learned to read and write on his own – in both English and Spanish. Instead of going to school, Silva earned money for his family by selling newspapers on the streets of Laredo, shining shoes, and doing odd jobs.

José Silva displayed entrepreneurial skills early, hiring and leading a team as a teenager to sell merchandise door-to-door in Laredo. Despite lacking formal education, he supported his siblings’ schooling and self-educated in electronics, ultimately founding one of the first radio repair companies in the area.

Expanding into biomedical appliances, he developed crucial research skills, becoming a pioneer in electronics maintenance. Silva’s success culminated in building the largest electronics repair company in southern Texas in the 1940s. He passed away in 1999, leaving behind a remarkable American success story.

Mahee Quazi

The Pioneer of Scientific Meditation in Bangladesh

Mahee Quazi stands as the trailblazer of Mind Science in Bangladesh, revered as the Guru among those currently shaping the Mind Science Industry in the country. Originating from an aristocratic family in Manikgonj, Muhammad Abdul Hameed Quazi, known as Mahee Quazi, always harbored a deep concern for people’s well-being from his early years. A BUET graduate, he later earned a B.A. in Economics from Karachi University and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of London, United Kingdom. His journey included diverse roles in notable organizations such as IBM, ICL, United Bank, Pakistan Air Force (Pilot), PIA (Engineer), Pitney Bowes, and the Saudi National Company.

During his stint in a Multinational Bank in England, Mahee Quazi discovered the Silva Method, underwent training and swiftly acquired a license to train others. Initiating his Silva Training Program in Cambridge, UK, the program gained popularity, prompting him to introduce the Silva Method in Bangladesh in 1990. Establishing the organization ISOMETRIC, he successfully promoted the Silva Method. Presently, the promotion is carried forward by “SILVA Bangladesh” due to the temporary suspension of ISOMETRIC’s activities.

Under Mahee Quazi’s guidance, numerous individuals, including Jewel Aich, Mahajatok Shahid Al-Bukhari, AKM Shamuddin, and more, underwent Silva Method training. His efforts marked the beginning of a new age, fostering versatile thinking and ushering in the next phase of humanity in Bangladesh.

Dr. Abul Kalam

SCI (Silva Certified Instructor)
Director, Silva Bangladesh
Dr. Abul Kalam was born in Bangladesh in 1967. He completed his studies and graduated in 1998 with a degree in Medical Science from ICAM. He continued his post graduate studies for his Medical Degree on Herbal Medicine from ICAM. Dr. Abul Kalam started his career as a General Physician. At the same time he ran a clinic with the charitable organization Rotary Club of Bangladesh. Dr. Kalam’s special hobby is to help people who are unable to pay for doctors’ care. He enjoys helping others, traveling, history, books, music, moonlit nights and through his interests, he searches to learn more about spiritualism and positive thinking.

In 2001, he came to know about Jose Silva’s Silva Method from Bangladesh’s Silva legend, Mr. Mahee Quazi. From 2001 to 2005, Dr. Kalam took the whole range of Silva courses from Mr. Quazi, attending over 40 seminars. Starting in 2006, he personally trained under Mr. Quazi, serving in the capacity of organizer, manager and instructor. Not only that he was an important part of ISOMETRIC LTD. He has learned so much from the Silva Method and from Mr. Quazi, especially how to love and help people. To this day, Dr. Kalam continues to faithfully serve the Silva Method and Mrs. Rowshan Quazi, in loving memory of Mr. Mahee Quazi.

Dr. Kalam sees the Silva Method tools as the best magic to handle stress and the limiting self-beliefs that most of people struggle with all their lives. The Silva Method has given him the opportunity to heal his own life on many levels and he is determined to help the people of Bangladesh to experience the same results.

Dr. Kalam’s mission is to make 160 million positive people in Bangladesh aware of the Silva Method and its many applications and benefits, and with the help of the Almighty, he hopes to accomplish this mission which includes:

Giving people readily available training courses to acquire this knowledge to help themselves:
Supporting their practice of the tools and techniques and sharing experiences;
Promoting Silva-friendly businesses
Promoting strategic partnerships with complementary & alternative medicine;
And plans to root and branch introduction into education and communities, to the young and the not so young, in order to enable them to stay young in body, heart and mind.
Dr. Kalam lives in Dhaka with his loving wife and three children.

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Confidence Shopping Mall, Kha # 9, Progoti Sharani, (2nd Floor), Suite # 339, Gulshan- 2, Dhaka- 1212, Bangladesh
The Silva Method Bangladesh, All rights reserved Copyrights 2023